Art collections, unlike art sets, are unique because you won't probably find someone else who has the same art pieces put together the same way. When done well, art collections can help you create eye-pleasing home decor. While art is very subjective, people mostly tend to agree on what feels eye-pleasing and what doesn't. It's not about the style of art you want to decorate with, it's about the harmony of the pieces together and the general aesthetics. I will talk about a few points that are good to follow in order to create aesthetic art collections from the pieces you already have and love.
If you like gold foil wall art, you may be thinking that printables are not for you, because your home printer cannot print with gold ink. That is true, there isn't a way to buy gold ink. Digital artwork with a gold-like look or finish will not print truly sparkly and the print won't be looking like real gold (although it may be still a great looking piece of art when printed on a good printer). But there is a way to print with gold foil at home - let me tell you how.
Printables are one of the most eco-friendly ways to decorate your home, which is why I started creating printables in the first place. The big part is cutting off long-distance deliveries. I'm based in the UK but most of my customers are from the USA. Even with print on demand companies in each country where my prints can be potentially bought, it would still include a lot of emissions for the shipping. Hence I encourage everyone to print at home or in local print shops. And there's also a lot more you can do on your end to make printables as eco-friendly as possible. It's got a lot to do with ink.
There are a lot of printables that are meant for editing. For example, quite popular are printable for wifi and password that are great for your guest room or when you run a business, such as a cafe or BnB. These types of printables can be sold as editable or non-editable files. The first type is meant for easy editing, usually in PDF format, you can edit them in specialist online programs or in PDF annotation apps. The second type can be edited too, but differently, and at first, it may not look that straightforward. I'll give you some tips on how to edit either type.
A very common - and certainly very eye-pleasing - photo frame size is 8x10 inches. That is, at least in the USA, not really in Europe, for example. But what to do if you have 8x10" artwork and can only print on US letter size (or, A4 if you're based in Europe)? You can grab a pen, a ruler and a knife (kraft or utility are the best for cutting paper) if you have an eye for detail and steady hands. Or you can get a professional template that makes the trimming much easier. I made one for you and it's free.
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